Carnmoney Primary School

The Team

Board of Governors (2018-2024)

Chairperson & Education Authority Representative             
Mr S Moran 

Parent Representatives
Mrs S Wilkie
Mrs S Wilson

Transferors' Representatives  
Mr W Fullerton
Mrs E Stevenson
Rev. S Hawthorne 
Mr J Hawthorne

Teachers' Representative
Mr P Davies

Mr B Duff

Senior Leadership Team

Mr B Duff, B.A.(Hons) P.G.C.E., Pg.Dip.Ed., M.Ed.

Mr P Davies, B.Sc. (Hons) P.G.C.E.

Pastoral Care & Well-Being 
Miss L Bannon, B.A.(Hons) Ed.

Special Educational Needs 
Miss J Black, B.Ed. (Hons)

Teaching Staff
Primary 1
Mrs K Davies, B.Ed. (Hons)
Miss J Higgins, B.Ed (Hons)

Primary 2
Mrs J Finlay, B.Sc.(Hons), P.G.C.E. 
Mrs J Martin, B.Ed. (Hons)
Miss R McFadden, B.Ed. (Hons)

Primary 3
Miss S McCormick, B.Ed. (Hons)
Miss H Gorman, B.Ed. (Hons)

Primary 4
Miss L Bannon, B.A. (Hons) Ed.
Mrs A Jamison, B.A. (Hons), P.G.C.E.

Primary 5
Mrs A Johnston, B.Ed. (Hons)
Mrs T Morrissey, B.A. (Hons) P.G.C.E., M.Ed.
Mrs C Phelan, B.Ed.

Primary 6
Mrs L Williamson, B.A. (Hons),  PG Cert, P.G.C.E.
Mrs S Kenny, B.Ed. 

Primary 7
Mr P Davies, B.Sc. (Hons) P.G.C.E. 
Miss R Robinson, B.Ed. (Hons)
Mrs T Morrissey, B.A. (Hons) P.G.C.E., M.Ed

Learning Support 
Miss J Black, B.Ed. (Hons)

Clerical Officer
Mrs C Hamilton

Building Supervisor
Mr P Moore

Teaching Assistants

Primary 1
Miss D Wallace
Mrs A Playfair

Primary 2
Mrs K Kennedy
Mrs L McIwaine

Learning Support

Miss V Simpson
Mrs J Bell
Mrs P McMahon
Miss A McCann
Miss L Weir
Mrs C Millar
Mrs J Williamson 
Mrs A Tyndall
Mrs L McIntosh
Miss M Morrison 
Ms D McCreight
Miss S Burns
Mrs J Livingstone
Mrs N Thompson
Mrs S McGilton
Mrs A Foy
Miss L Taylor
Mrs S Trueick

Catering Staff
Miss S Forsyth
Mrs L McCullagh
Mrs Y Jefferson

Supervisory Assistants
Miss H Torrens
Mrs J Montgomery
Mrs J Hamilton 

Mrs L Graham
Ms S Torrens
Miss N Cole
Mrs K Kirk

Crossing Patrol
Mr R Macauley