Carnmoney Primary School

Promoting Positive Behaviour

Our 'Mission' as a school is to be a safe, happy and caring school where everyone will be accepted and valued for who they are and where children are inspired to learn.

In attempting to achieve this for our pupils, we have two specific objectives.

  • To develop in pupils a sense of self-discipline and an acceptance of responsibility for their own actions; 
  • To create the conditions for effective learning, in which there is mutual respect between all members and a proper concern for the immediate environment.

All staff expect and promote high standards of discipline, a situation enhanced by the active support of parents/carers. Parents/carers are encouraged to work closely with the school to help pupils feel safe, happy and cared for through the effective implementation of the school's 'Positive Behaviour' policy.

The promotion of positive behaviour in our school is based on our shared core values which have been discussed, reviewed and agreed through extensive consultation by the pupils, staff, parents/carers and the Board of Governors. 

Part of growing up is about learning what is acceptable and unacceptable and gradually taking responsibility for one’s own behaviour. Our approach to discipline is to encourage and celebrate good behaviour and positive achievements in all children. The class teachers and teaching assistants will make every effort to reinforce good behaviour and a sense of achievement within their classrooms. In addition the following procedures will be adopted: 

  • a quiet word of encouragement;
  • a positive written comment in a book;
  • special praise for better effort or improved behaviour;
  • good work being taken to another teacher, senior member of staff or Principal for commendation;
  • public praise in class or assembly;
  • class reward systems;
  • weekly and annual merit awards also encourage good behaviour.